Thursday, November 13, 2008

In Response to Sze Zeng's Blog

In case Sze Zeng does not allow my response to his question to be shown at his blog, I'll show it here at my own blog. He was questioning Pastor Joseph Pastor's (New Creation Church) incorrect interpretation of scriptures at his blog

I commented earlier, "I can only see yours and LKY's understanding on scriptures is very "Man-chanics" and very academic. Lack the touch of the Holy Spirit." He responded and asked me for an explanation to what I meant.  I replied him (he may or may not have published it yet).
Interesting"Pharisees" on the last note
Daring Kok Seng to use such a quote 
People back in Jesus days, seriously
Were the most learned Pharisees and Sadducee 
One was a master of the Oral Law
The other, an expert in Written Law 
Probably strong in linguistics too
Paid much attention to grammar just like you 
Full of knowledge and education
But a bankrupt in revelation. 
Jesus stood right in front of them
Yet they know not the Messiah is with them
Man-chanic or Man-chanistic means lots of works and understanding relating to man's ability. The scholastics will be impressed by your academic explanation.

Lack of the Holy Spirit means lack of revelation from God, i.e. some people just can't see Jesus as the personification of God's grace because it is blocked by a preposition. Similarly, in another common verse speaks of Jesus as the Way, the Truth, and the Life! We need a lot of the Holy Spirit (not knowledge or grammar skills though important but not the most) when we read the scriptures and the Holy Spirit will give us understanding. Holy Spirit also will show us humility.Please excuse me, I was feeling a bit poetic when I composed my response. I made some grammar mistakes also in my response to Szezeng. I hope he helps to correct them. He is quite good in linguistics.

See his response, this was what he wrote:
You be the judge: he showed rejection of the Holy Spirit and a display of vulgarity. I rest my case.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Modern Day Pharisees Exposed!

Proverbs 10:18 says "He who hides hatred with lying lips, and he who sends out a slander, he is a fool. "

There are a number of  blog sites preaching against faithful Christians, which we should be aware of. They are liken to modern day pharisees. Below are the characteristics of these writers and their content.
  • Un-edifying. Instead of bearing good testimony, they are dishonouring Christ and confusing younger believers.

  • Use harsh remarks to provoke readers to respond.

  • Boasting knowledge in the Word of God but showed little revelation on the verses used and sometimes applied wrongly. Context of verses used are not probably explored. Construction of sentences is abstract because if they know they can't convince, so they confuse.

  • Desperate to earn credility by referencing profusely to many un-heard of Christian writers.

  • Full display of self-righteousness, pride, condemnation and hatred. No demonstration of the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Lacks humility. It is hard for them to back-off an argument. The writer can become especially vengeful against those who oppose their views and will even condemn. They write aggressively, viciously and irresponsibly. They react as if they were gods.

  • The writers about their many seminaries attendance. They are proud to display their many religious activities, learned and involved they are.
In response to the above:
  • It is a common trait of Pharisees in those days to speak vehmently to provoke Jesus (Luke 11:53).
  • Paul was convincing the Christians in Rome to lay aside contention and live in harmony. Romans 14:19 says "Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another."
  • We are warned of religiosity in James 1:26, "If anyone thinks that he is religious and does not bridle his tongue, but instead deceives his own heart, his religion is worthless." He who professes religion and yet does not control his tongue is deceived. Unless he has grace enough to rule the unruly member, he has not enough for salvation (The People's New Testament). Such ones needs Jesus desperately.
Take a look at these two sites as an example. I am not saying they are modern day pharisees but you be the judge.
B. ____________________________________________________________________

Saturday, November 1, 2008

New Creation Church: is it good stewardship? - extracted from BLOGPASTOR

Topic is extracted from the

Kenny of Blogpastor commented New Creation Church ("NCC") and Trinity Christian Centre ("TCC") making headways in the news on spending hefty sum of money for their church building plan recently. He said...
"This is the sticky point for me: which is wiser stewardship? Obviously there could be different opinions about it. Missionaries and champions of the poor are too polite to shout but they are all imagining what could be done for missions and the poor with that kind of money, and wishing there are churches that would raise that kind of money for their causes. When these two ‘church splurges’ on their respective buildings are compared side by side, it makes me think about wise stewardship. Its not as easy as it looks, for it seems to be obvious that TCC has the better deal. But you have to look at impact and accessibility and other factors too."

Know ye not who saith a similar thing in the bible about Mary's very expensive gift to Jesus should have been given to the poor? No, not Kenny. It was Judas Iscariot!

John 12:3-6 says, "Then took Mary a pound of ointment of spikenard, very costly, and anointed the feet of Jesus, and wiped his feet with her hair: and the house was filled with the odour of the ointment. Then saith one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, Simon's son, which should betray him, Why was not this ointment sold for three hundred pence, and given to the poor? This he said, not that he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and had the bag, and bare what was put therein."

That's the truth! Missionaries and champions of the poor are NOT too polite to shout but would they want to be like Judas Iscariot who let Satan ruled his thoughts? Besides, they are trusting God and not man to supply all their needs. It was clear that Judas wasn't caring the poor for saying that. Therefore we need to be careful when we pass such judgemental comment because God is looking at that person's heart all the time. Now back to Kenny, was he really concern about how the money should be spent for NCC and TCC? It is amusing how an outsider like Kenny knows best how these two churches should spent their church funds.

The act of giving generously back to our Heavenly Father is the best test for our faith. Money matters very much to many of us and that's where He wants to see the generosity of our hearts for Him. This is not a question on wise stewardship but it's where Matthew 6:21 will apply, "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. "

Let His truth sets you free and not man's opinion!